VMware – General MediaTek VDI Questions

5.1 Can everyone use the VDI?

MediaTek’s staff, consultant, outsourcing contractors, or vendor are able to use VDI.
But you have to apply Mobile service first.

5.2 What is the difference between the RDP and PCoIP protocols in VDI? Why do I choose one over the other?

The primary advantage of PCoIP is speed and display quality. The primary advantage of RDP is that common protocol on some restrict network is available. Neither is “better”; they are just different:

5.2.1 Use PCoIP if any of the following are true for you:

  • You want to display better quality graphics, video, and sound.
  • If bandwidth is not a problem because you are on a high-speed connection.

5.2.2 Use RDP if any of the following are true for you:

  • You don’t know your network quality, set RDP is better than PCoIP
  • If graphics, video, and sound quality are not an issue.
  • If you have limited bandwidth because you are on dial-up or a slow DSL connection.

Your connection setting display protocol will remain whatever you chose in the future unless you change it. See also how to switch your connection between RDP and PCoIP?

5.3 Where can I use VDI?

You can access the software you need via VDI from home, or from anywhere else with internet connection!
